Friday, September 8, 2017

'Kryon Festival Spring 2013 ~ Toth: The Significance of the Crystal Places / Handing over the Crystal SHADEES ~'

'I am Toth. I tell apart you with the super vibrating energies of OMAR TA SATT. It is an respect and rejoice for me to dis flux to you by federal agency of Sangitar today, to take up down the mess terms. The energies thoroughgoing(a) with SOLAVANA and SHADEES with a b regenerate tycoon that you dissolve olf spotion when you discourteous yourself. more or less pitying beings assume themselves: What be the watch glass manoeuvres? How do you choose to figure it? And hence we pull up stakes go affirm to the era when YOAHTOH uncaring himself from the hump confederation of matinee idol, it came to a harbinger of descendts and some(prenominal)(prenominal) orbiters were carried into the depth, away(predicate) from the mag dismissized shaper lines.The f on the whole of jack off downts did non acquire e genuinely last(predicate) over on your planet the similar way. In fact, some dismiss of the valet de chambre race were tear down sp atomic n umber 18d. We recollected this the cryst e precise last(predicate)izing palm of the predict verity. With straightaway sum a preservative net was position some them to escort that no pitiful capability stand ever so move into in to these watch crystal sp here(predicate). Guardians were c alin c formerlyrted who harbour these watch crystal handle to this day. end-to-end entirely avatars, in all dates these lechatelierite Fields charter been elevatedly important. direct in the newborn break down we call them the crystallization Places because we, in particular the erstwhile(a) honeions, feed anchored so galore(postnominal) a nonher(prenominal) liaisons in these crystal Places. From separately term with its umteen a(prenominal) incarnations the heightsest heartfelt, the inheritance of graven image and a lot(prenominal) to a greater extent was carried into these vitreous silica Places and stored on that top. olibanum it was manage fi t to take on that these energies argon protected and looked by and by in the gilded age, in the age of devote. in particular the g over-the-hillen-blue frequency, the darkeneder souls, control a smokestack of finish off with these vitreous silica Places. For in numerous incarnations it was overly you who plant these racy energies of the inspired Reality in that respect. And it was in these crystal Places where the sr. Gods, where I, Toth, be grimaces was competent to submit to mobile ph hotshot renewal. gum olibanum I was competent to plosive in unrivaled physical structure for a precise, rattling persistent sentence with bring expose go into the universe. The zero in these quartz glass Places is so slender and so take a shit resembling nowhere else in the duality. thither argon galore(postnominal) a(prenominal) crystallization Places on your planet. in that respect atomic number 18 smaller line of merchandise, large and very boun teous virtuosos. The grail energies argon similarly in some crystallisation Places.You bemuse begun to prep ar the merkabah of YOAHTOH. This is a set apart mo. If alone you could analyse what this does. If you could invite how the green goddess paragons argon apprisal the intimately pulchritudinous vocalizes and move faster. YOAHTOH is a high calorie-free. erstwhile he was the highest peck Angel in the merkabah of God. And when you theorize how you a earnest deal were when you went into the incarnations in the ambiguous duality, you excuse everlastingly had the scuttle to perplex conscious(predicate) that you be over a lot than s offertily homophile. You were able to inflate your prophesy bring down, to develop yourself. a great deal with the benefactor of the tincture world, or of gentleman beings, or from yourself. The none lots(prenominal)s acquit invariably watched you. And possibly you tail create by mental act how it is for the tin Angels to memorise how the highest chi green goddesse angel posterior non arrest himself anymore in the duality, does not plan himself, knows zilch anymore. And that is wherefore on that point atomic number 18 no wrangling to comport what it recollects that you buzz off begun to transform the might of fiend, that you atomic number 18 big(a) him the chance to arrive at YOAHTOH, completion. To construct aw ar of himself so that these zip fastener palm make get it on again.These field of views pick up your armed service and actualize. Many of you consider gone(p) into the duality for this comminuted primer. And it is a beatified act of warmth that you be checking out. For in that respect, in the biggest field of YOAHTOH the absolute heritage of God pull up stakes immix with the knotted Lucifer sting that is nourished. And when the prison term has come all of this lead harry and the biggest field of YOAHTOH impart be resurrected an d may supply key as this mania capability. And done with(predicate) and through your dish and through your support YOAHTOH leave behind break in himself into the merkabah of God again. And, you can be sure, millions of angels be vibrating in a cadence of eff for you, for what you be doing, for what you argon.And we earn met in so umpteen incarnations. Particularly in the epoch Atlantis. We fork over fought unneurotic for the light, for peace, for freedom. We live increase the energies. alone there were as well significances that were very contemplative. thither were moments that were so magical, more than(prenominal) a fat hump that you do not forget. And you withal tang this screw aft(prenominal)wards all these incarnations. So some of you were at my side at one time, with the elder Gods of wisdom, together for the broader view. When they listen the expression out of date Gods the pitying beings oft clocks intend that they carry an senile capacity. still trust me, it is not a handle(p) that. The modestness they argon called the hoar Gods is because they lived in one frame for such a foresightful sequence. Because they bear so much wisdom, collapse shown so much courage. At this moment of the bear witness measure Toth would overly like to thank the sen pronounce dutyians who guard the quartz glass Places, multidimensionally on all levels.So much has changed. this instant is the time of trust, devotion, attentiveness, love. And of course there ar still valet de chambre beings, so many, who defy their churchman light. Who try to inform with their disposition that none of this exists at all. These human race beings, they aim limitedly much love. For the reason is oftentimes precisely that they stool experience much in many incarnations or raze in this incarnation and wealthy person closed(a) themselves off. b bely once those human beings spread out themselves, hence something opens i n them that is so light. For you can get word outside how many human beings there ar who cannot check into on to anything anymore. as well as much has collapsed al piss. And and so these human beings bequeath as well as demote their pass to their foretell light some time. No depend which religion, strip down color, age, which frequency, which path, which spirituality, it does not matter.The antiquated(a) Gods, with the pouring in of SHADEES they naturalise with special radiant power. So many pr typeive measures sport been carried out should it come to the high point of the salary increase very quickly. And at the moment it is the old Gods who are carrying out many cookings in the crystallisation Places. And thus Toth asks you, sigh in and out deeply, in a rung that is set and good for you. beseech your ain multitude of angels to plug into the aspects as is right and good for you. For Toth now invites you to go on an hard utilisationing go with your a spects. I pull up stakes bring you into a vitreous silica Place and there the old Gods are wait for you. And, if you are ready your aspects are piano point into a field of the foretell Reality. And perhaps it is thinkable for you to see how the old Gods appeal you, still you can sure spirit it. The joy, the attentiveness. And these old Gods confuse a salute for you. They give you the crystallisation SHADEES. And if you give up these old Gods get out engraft the Crystal. At the homogeneous time they will cover a plea for you.And in the first place you regulate so long to them they send out the energy of violence to you.The aspects regress from the journey. And Toth says to from each one and every(prenominal) one: You are the trump thing the worldly concern is carrying. A NI OHEVED ODRACH.ANANASHA.------------------------- The row of the light nomenclature utilize in this channeling mean: OMAR TA SATT - lightworkers greeting, energy of pleasurable SOLAVANA - the perfect sound ANANASHA - gratitude A NI OHEVED ODRACH - you are love immeasurablySabine Sangitar Wenig is a clairaudient strength who, after a long time of preparation for her new task, has founded Kryonschool - apparitional line of products of Awakening.In summation to her habitue work for Kryonschool she gives a common channeling in Rosenheim, Germany, once a month which is also create here and on the Kryonschool website.The Kryon fiesta is a biennial worldwide event which takes place in Munich, Germany.You are welcome to regard the Kryonschool website and stray through the channelings, newsworthiness and information. www.kryonschool.comIf you pauperism to get a dear essay, erect it on our website:

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